120 years (1900-2019) in 120 months (2011-2020). It's a ten year plan, but a light commitment. I'm dedicating a little time each month to a particular year, with the focus on music and film, chronicling the birth, life (and sometimes death) of everything I manage to find great within the popular (and not so popular) culture of the 20th & 21st Centuries.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
So much to do.... So little time....
I think now I'll create some kind of "to do list" for movies (and eventually music - when it turns decent) as an early post each month. If I do find more time available soon, I'll maybe do a little review per year (or maybe per decade). Since starting this blog, I've used Twitter more and more, so this may just act as a place to host a collection of notes that fit better collectively per page than spread over numerous tweets.
There are so many decent sites out there that collect basically the same information as I'm trying to offer, so again, I will concentrate in directing you their way. An obvious starter would be the anniversaries of births & deaths of many great stars. Head here for a great list of anniversaries. I know a lot of effort was put in to producing this calendar, so Twenty Flight Rock certainly deserves its visitors.
So for now, I'll publish the basics of the 1st half of the 1910s and rid some of that guilty feeling when viewing my list of draft posts.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
1913 Film
Рождество у обитателей леса [The Insects' Christmas]
Dir: Władysław Starewicz
Time: 7mins
Der Student von Prag [The Student of Prague] Trailer only!
Dir: Stellan Rye, Paul Wegener
Time: 85mins (Trailer 3mins)
Fantômas - À l'ombre de la guillotine
Dir: Louis Feuillade
Time: 54mins
Juve contre Fantômas [Juve Against Fantomas]
Dir: Louis Feuillade
Le mort qui tue [Fantômas III - The Dead Man Who Killed]
Dir: Louis Feuillade
Сумерки женской души [Twilight of a Woman's Soul]
Dir: Yevgeni Bauer
Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei [The Last Days of Pompeii]
Dir: Mario Caserini, Eleuterio Rodolfi
Стрекоза и муравей [The Grasshopper and the Ant]
Dir: Władysław Starewicz
Ночь перед Рождеством [The Night Before Christmas / Christmas Eve]
Dir: Władysław Starewicz
Time: 37mins
The Bangville Police
Dir: Henry Lehrman
Time: 9mins
Deaths Marathon
The Mothering Heart
Not sure what to make of these 2 DW Griffith shorts. Much a case of seen before - been there, done that. I will say Death's Marathon was...
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 30, 2012
...pretty ballsy for its time, going with that ending. The Mothering Heart was quite interesting as I've not seen Griffith capture such a...
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 30, 2012
...mixture before. But enough of this messing around. Next up (tho not tonight) Judith Of Bethulia. Enjoyed Blanche Sweet & Lilian Gish...
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 30, 2012
...so far, so eager to see them in Griffiths first full length film.
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 30, 2012
Must remember to source copies of L'enfant de Paris and Ingeborg Holm to complete my 1913 wishlist watchlist.
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 30, 2012
Sunday, 1 January 2012
1912 Film
Anniversaries Calendar (Twenty Flight Rock)
Месть кинематографического оператора [Cameraman's Revenge]
Dir: Władysław Starewicz
Time: 13mins
À la conquête du pôle [The Conquest of the Pole]
Dir: Georges Méliès
Time: 9mins
The Girl and Her Trust
Dir: D.W. Griffith
Time: 15mins
An Unseen Enemy
Dir: D.W. Griffith
Time: 15mins
The Musketeers of Pig Alley
Dir: D.W. Griffith
Time: 17mins
How a Mosquito Operates [The Hungry Mosquito]
Dir: Winsor McCay
Time: 6mins
The New York Hat
Dir: D.W. Griffith
Time: 17mins
Dir: Segundo de Chomón
Time: 5mins
The Land Beyond the Sunset
Dir: Harold M. Shaw
Time: 13mins
Le mystère des roches de Kador [The Mystery Of The Rocks Of Kador]
Dir: Léonce Perret
Time: 44mins
The Old Actor
Dir: D.W. Griffith
Time: 17mins
My film ratings for 1912.
My music ratings for 1912.
Spasiba Russia! What a highlight so far. I will certainly be recommending Ladislaw Starewicz - Cameraman's Revenge: youtu.be/vIC0Sb6pLvI
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) February 24, 2012
Le mystère des roches de Kador was impressive for its time. Decent story, acting and photgraphy. imdb.com/title/tt0319904 twitter.com/120Yrs120Month…
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 21, 2012
Le mystere des roches de kador (1912) Dir: Léonce Perret, starring Suzanne Grandais, Émile Keppens & Léonce Perret youtu.be/SYLjxp5CAPk
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 21, 2012
I think leading lady Suzanne Grandais looks quite lovely in this also. Can't really find any pics that do her justice. twitter.com/120Yrs120Month…
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 21, 2012
Ahhh, turns out Suzanne Grandais was an early member to the 27 club. Shame...
— Through the darkness (@120Yrs120Months) August 21, 2012
Gene Kelly was born 100 years ago today. In 1952 his film had 'mysteriously gone into smoke'. ow.ly/i/SagL
— Rhett Bartlett (@dialmformovies) August 23, 2012