Wednesday, 1 February 2012

1913 Film


Рождество у обитателей леса [The Insects' Christmas]
Dir: Władysław Starewicz
Time: 7mins

Der Student von Prag [The Student of Prague] Trailer only!
Dir: Stellan Rye, Paul Wegener
Time: 85mins (Trailer 3mins)

Fantômas - À l'ombre de la guillotine
Dir: Louis Feuillade
Time: 54mins

Juve contre Fantômas [Juve Against Fantomas]
Dir: Louis Feuillade

Le mort qui tue [Fantômas III - The Dead Man Who Killed]
Dir: Louis Feuillade

Сумерки женской души [Twilight of a Woman's Soul]
Dir: Yevgeni Bauer

Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei [The Last Days of Pompeii]
Dir: Mario Caserini, Eleuterio Rodolfi

Стрекоза и муравей [The Grasshopper and the Ant]
Dir: Władysław Starewicz

Ночь перед Рождеством [The Night Before Christmas / Christmas Eve]
Dir: Władysław Starewicz
Time: 37mins

The Bangville Police
Dir: Henry Lehrman
Time: 9mins

Deaths Marathon
The Mothering Heart

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